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Hi there, I'm Becca! Welcome to my little corner of the universe.


I'm here to help you turn your pain into power, so you can finally stop standing in your own way and start living your best life as your best self.

Now, I know there tends to be a lot of mixed feelings around the term, "best", so let me explain. I don't mean this in terms of being perfect or always having amazing days with no problems, but instead it's about living in authenticity and integrity with your truth while learning how to navigate life's challenges in a more empowered way. Because being your best self means being your truest self.

I know how it feels to be so stressed, drained, uninspired, unmotivated, stuck, unfocused, and depleted for months (years, if we're being honest), that you think that's all you'll ever know and going through the motions of feeling "fine" has become good enough - even though it's really not.

I know how it feels to exhaust yourself doing anything and everything you think you "should" do to be happy, only to be left feeling pressured, frustrated, and not good enough or like there's something "wrong" with you for not being where you want to be.


I know how it feels to put your desires and needs on hold, prioritizing others before yourself, or saying you have to wait until, "Once _____ happens" (once I make a certain amount of money, once I'm married or in a relationship, once I move to a new house/location, once my body looks a certain way, etc. - you get the idea) before you get to finally be happy, relax more, prioritize yourself, or do the thing you've always fantasized about doing.

I know how it feels to feel different your whole life, not wanting to settle for the "normal" expectations of society because you know you're meant for more, but to feel stuck in your situation and lost in a world that often feels very surface level and isolating.

Sound familiar?


If so, you're in the right place, my friend.

In my coaching, I guide you through 3 core steps: 


First, we review your current sense of self and experience, gaining clarity around what's been working versus what isn't, and explore your vision for the future. In order to move forward, it's necessary for us to establish where we are currently and what the gap is between here and where we want to be. 


Second, I help you to reset. This may look like experiencing subconscious inner change work, such as hypnosis or another NLP-based technique, but it can also look like reframing our beliefs and perceptions, building the awareness around what we want to change and how, or simply feeling our way through the healing process.


Third, we work to refine tangible action steps for you to live in alignment with your true desires and purpose. To put it simply, the key to experiencing real, long-lasting change comes from making different choices moving forward.

If you're looking for a source of support and guidance that's genuine, non-judgmental, encouraging, and holds you accountable in getting out of your own way, I'm the coach for you.

Archetype Quiz
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Not Sure Where to Start?

Take this free archetype quiz to gain clarity about where you're stuck, what inner transformation you're ready for, and what next steps and support are available for your growth.


"When I started coaching with Becca, I was very unmotivated and depressed. I've tried therapy before and although helpful, I felt I needed some guidance and positive direction in the form of action that life coaching is more suited to.


Becca was very adaptive to my own pace and needs, and she really recognized/encouraged me creatively rather than trying to make me someone I'm not. She helped me connect back to my creative self again and pinpoint that my spirituality, desired work, and lifestyle revolve around creativity and that I should lean into it.


Becca has an intuitive and artistic mind, so that helps so much when you are an artist and need help connecting back to yourself, getting out of a creative block/rut, and/or trying to figure out new work/lifestyle ventures in the creative field. She can relate to what you're going through, which is imperative for a client who is in the arts. 


I had several breakthroughs during our time together that I will take with me for the rest of my life."

About Becca

As a sensitive and creative soul, I spent years feeling like I didn't belong, trying to be who others wanted me to be, and feeling like I could never truly be happy in life. I thought there was something wrong with me for wanting different, and that I'd have to give up on my desires and settle for "fine." This led to depression, stress, exhaustion, sabotaging habits and choices, abusive and unhealthy relationships and a rut of many years. I tried traditional therapy and medication, I read all of the self-help books, I did all of the "steps" guaranteed to make me happy and successful, I confided in friends and family for support, I even tried not caring anymore and just coasting through life with whatever got me through the days... but through it all, I was still unhappy.


​It wasn't until I truly learned how to understand, accept, and embrace all parts of myself, committed to bettering myself and my life, and connected with my passion and purpose - a reason outside of myself to live and impact the world -  that I finally have experienced true happiness, peace, and excitement in life. Realizing that no matter my external circumstances, my taking ownership of myself and my life is the key to true happiness.

I'm going to be honest with you, there wasn't a profound experience where I "discovered" or "found myself." My true self was always there, and part of me always knew that. She was simply buried under layers and layers of pain, shame, hurt, fear, regret, and feelings of unworthiness. All I did was clear out the layers so she could exist freely again, and chose to create a life I wanted to live versus merely settling into what was typical, familiar, or expected of me. 


This is the same for you. You probably already have a sense of who your true self is and what you desire, probably also under layers of pain, doubts, fears, and influences from others. I can help you bring them to the surface and give them the space to exist the way they've always meant to and be embraced in a loving, accepting, unjudgmental way so you can pursue the life you want to life and thrive in it.

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Let's Connect!

Got a question? I recommend using the chat bubble (bottom right of screen) for any quick or simple questions you have. Or you can use this form to contact me with your more detailed questions or collaboration requests. Either way, I will get back to you as soon as I'm able.

Thanks for reaching out, I will be in touch soon! -Becca

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